Thank you for visiting our internet site. We are currently offering open pollinated seed corn for sale. Our open pollinated corn is our very own variety we call Tommy Boy. It is a 89 day maturity dual purpose(silage, grain) and can be a great option for some. Dudek seed corn can be expected to top out near 130-150bpa. It will be of higher protein content than hybrids. Most modern gmo(rr, bt, ll, traited) corn is near or under 7%, open pollinated runs between 9-11%. As silage expect it to have 5% less tonnage per acre but will have higher tdn.
We recomend planting at 26k per acre for grain and 30-33k for silage. Soil fertility should be targeted for 120 bushel corn as open pollinated is a better "feeder". We do not reccomend heavier fertilization.
Seed will be available in 80k bags(approx 55lbs) 5lb plot bags and 1lb garden size. Seed is untreated and can be treated for additional cost. Order early and pay early discounts.