

Can Tommy boy corn put profits in your bottom line?

Let's assume corn is at $3.00 and fertilizer is at 600 per ton

Type of Corn Yield Gross Seed Cost Per Bag Seed Cost Per Acre at Density Net
Tommy Boy 138 bu $414 $55 $17.88 at 26k $396
Hybrid 188 bu $564 $275 $120.35 at 35k $443.65

Can you raise 50 bu of corn for free? No it takes more fertilizer.

Requirements of corn:

Tommy Boy Hybrid
155 1bs N 211 lbs N
70 lbs P 96 lbs P
186 lbs K 254 lbs K

Hybrid to create those 50 bushel needs 150 1bs of elemental nutrients. For easy calculations lets assume fertilizers are all at 50% available (urea 46%). This means the hybrid needs 300 lbs of additional fertilizer

This equals to about $90.00 of additional fertilizer

$396.12 vs $353.65 pre variable inputs income

Yes Tommy boy corn can put money on your bottom line.

Obviously everyone has different numbers in their operation. This is simply a example to highlight yield can cost. I caution all producers to push the pencil and compare any choice. Profit not yield should drive profitable operations. Big seed companies routinely try to "educate" us into this yield = profits all while increasing seed cost. Tommy boy is a option many can use to be more profitable.